Thank goodness for morning work journals. For real. Actually, let's back up. What does the beginning of your school day look like? I've gone through a few morning routine renovations over the years. Some, when I was a newbie, are probably too embarrassing to mention. Others resulted in various … [Read More...]
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Presidents’ Day Activities for Kids
Each year on Presidents' Day, we spend time teaching the children about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. And for good reason. They were both a big deal. But there were others who also left … [Read More...]

Who Was George Washington Carver?
Who was George Washington Carver and why is he still remembered today? If you're a serious gardener, you may already know quite a few details about his life's work. If you're a first or second … [Read More...]

Taking the “Scary” Out of School Safety Drills
School safety drills are so important and, though they're probably not our favorite thing to talk about, we need to prepare children for the kinds of emergencies they could encounter during the school … [Read More...]

Procedural Writing Templates That Grow with Your Students
I love to write, so I love to teach writing. But not every kid is as enamored with it as I am. "I don't know what to write," is a phrase I've come to expect from at least one child each year. For … [Read More...]

Teaching Basic Economics in First Grade
When I first learned I would be teaching basic economics to a room full of six-year-olds, I raised an eyebrow. These seemed like concepts only college kids studied before they embarked on careers in … [Read More...]

Space Books for Kids
Check out all these great space books for kids! They're packed with kid-friendly explanations to help you answer questions like, "Does the Sun move?" and "What makes day and night?" For children … [Read More...]

Activities for Landforms
Planning children's activities for landforms is a fun and creative process. I don't recall learning about landforms when I was a kid though. I grew up in Florida near the beach, occasionally paddled a … [Read More...]