The Investigation
This activity provides a hands-on opportunity to talk about energy, force, motion, and air pressure. Through repeated trials, students learn how different amounts of air affect the balloon’s speed and distance when moving along the fishing line. If you have time to extend the activity, you can set up racing lanes, challenging student teams to hit their “target” first. It’s a lot of fun!
Lesson Materials
Teacher directions, student recording sheets, a science explanation sheet, and photos are all included in the pack of investigations.
Related Resource
It dawned on me (after several kids with confused expressions asked, “Who’s Cupid?”) that I needed a simple book about the tiny little mascot of Valentine’s Day. I created this text with 1st and 2nd graders in mind. It includes two pages that invite student interaction, several traceable sight words, nonfiction text features, and key vocabulary such as legend, proved, and celebrate. You can preview the pages by clicking the image below.
Valentine Science Set
This set includes all five Valentine Science investigations:
- Crystal Hearts
- Secret Valentine Messages
- Luva Lava Lamps
- Valentine Floats
- Cupid’s Target Practice
Happy teaching!