Two things you should probably know about me right off the bat:
1. When I start talking, I can talk for a long time.
2. And when I start writing, I tend to write a lot.
It’s just who I am. My friends know this about me, so they’re used to it. But you and I are new friends, so I thought I should be honest… my blog posts are sometimes long. I promise to get better at this, though. Just stick with me. 😊
I’m a lifetime Floridian who recently moved to North Carolina.
I used to live here and do things like this:

But now I live here and do things like this:

I’ve been teaching since 1991 … mostly 1st grade, a little bit of 2nd grade, (ten horrible days in 4th grade), and four years as a literacy coach. My heart really belongs to primary children, so you’ll notice most of my posts are written for teachers in grades 1 and 2. Reading and writing are my passion, but science is so fun and I’m often thinking about smart ways to bring them all together for kids.
When I’m not working, I like to:
• play tennis
• go hiking and kayaking
• ride rollercoasters
• practice photography
• read
• and learn new things (at this moment it’s golf, which all those years of putt-putt did not prepare me for)
And these are some of my favorite things:
The most amazing natural sight I’ve ever seen is Niagara Falls!

This is my favorite collection of anything I own.

But my favorite of all is right here! They are my world.

Thanks for stopping by! If there’s anything I can do to help fill your teaching resource needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Happy teaching!