I love this book. It picks up where the original tale ends … after Humpty has been put back together again. But now he’s scared. The fall broke not only his shell, but his courage and confidence too. His fears hold him back and they keep him from enjoying the things he used to … until one day, one step at a time, he decides to conquer his greatest fear.
This story is a great tie-in to any discussion you’re having about having a growth mindset, but it’s just a good life lesson as well, even for me, even now. As a matter of fact, when you’re discussing perseverance with your students, plan to share a personal example from your own life. (I have PLENTY!) It’s a great way to connect with the kids and will give you credibility when working with them throughout the year, especially during challenging moments when they want to give up. The lesson is a good one, young or old. “Life begins when you get back up.”
To get kids thinking about the author’s purpose and how they can apply Humpty’s wisdom to their own lives, I made these sheets as a launching point for discovery. The questions invite students to discuss their own challenges and draft a personal mantra that can be inspiring during times of struggle.
Happy teaching!