I’ve been collecting titles from the Who Was biography series for years. The text is too complex for most of the primary children I work with, but every now and then I find a student with a deep interest in a connected topic who has the ability to read and comprehend the material independently, so they haven’t been wasted.
Mostly I use them to research information and then adapt it to my needs and the skill level of my students.
The other day, my daughter Haley (future elementary teacher) said, “Mom … you do know Netflix has that series available for kids to watch now, don’t you?”
I didn’t.
But now I do.
And if you, like me, didn’t know that either, check it out. Like the books, it’s most appropriate for upper elementary, but you can make that call depending on your students’ needs, abilities, and interests.

The first season includes 13 episodes, each less than 30 minutes, with a focus on two historical figures per episode … Amelia Earhart, Benjamin Franklin, Sacagawea, Susan B. Anthony, Bruce Lee, Louis Armstrong, George Washington Carver, and so many more. Check it out to see a complete list.👆
Thanks Haley!
Happy teaching!