I think vocabulary is a big deal. Not only do I want my kids to love the sound of language and become intensely curious about words, but I actually want them to remember new words and use them. Sometimes, pre-packaged vocabulary programs aren't helpful in achieving these goals. I've had to use crazy vocabulary resources where the words were chosen for me and were sometimes so … [Read more...]
Having Fun with the Famous!
Before I even start, I have to explain the horrible desk arrangement in the background. Usually, the desks are grouped together in student teams of 4, but it's standardized testing time. You know the spiel. "The students have to be separated. Remove any visual aids. Yadda, yadda, yadda." Our counselor doesn't really say yadda... that's just what I hear. So the room is super boring and … [Read more...]
Punctuation & Fluency
Punctuation is a big deal for readers. Really, it is. Really? Yes, really! When kids understand how each punctuation mark works, they learn how to change way their voice sounds at each mark. And this makes them more expressive readers, which is part of being a fluent reader. I remember going through a horrible period of teaching several years back when fluency was being overly … [Read more...]
Fast Finds: A Vocabulary Activity
My family and I love the line of Cranium games. (Talk about honoring multiple intelligences! I think these game-makers have attended a conference or two. Or maybe they're just smart people who know how differently people think.) In one of their games, Cranium Cadoo, there is a category called "Fast Finds." Each Fast Find card lists two things you have to find before the timer runs out. For … [Read more...]
Book Talk: Little Dog Poems
April is National Poetry Month. I know, I know ... "It's only February. What is she talking about? Can't I just get through Valentine's Day?" But some of you are super planners ... the kind of planners that know what the next 8 weeks look like ... and I wanted you to have time to find this book: A teammate of mine introduced me to this book years ago. (Thank you Michele … [Read more...]