This fun investigation is the last of the five in the Valentine Science pack. (You can read more about the other 4 activities in earlier blog posts from this week.) This one plays on the idea of Cupid and the arrows he uses to help people fall in love. Since helping people fall in love is a pretty important job, Cupid should probably do a little target practice, right? The Investigation This … [Read more...]
Valentine Science: Luva Lava Lamps
Maybe I should have saved this activity for last because it might be the coolest of the five science investigations in the set. It looks a little messy, but it doesn't have to be. And it's totally worth it because when you drop in the Alka Seltzer tablets, the fun begins! The Lesson In this lesson, the children discover that oil and water don't mix and they learn why. As they observe the … [Read more...]
Valentine Science: Crystal Hearts
Get ready to make crystal hearts! If you've never made crystals using Borax soap, this is a great time to try it out. It's not difficult at all, but it does take 24 hours for the kids to see dramatic results, so don't save this one for a Friday. You only need a handful of supplies and a little bit of patience. Crystal Hearts Investigation The investigation can be found in my Valentine … [Read more...]
A Crankenstein Valentine
Children's author Samantha Berger just came out with a new "Crankenstein" book for February, A Crankenstein Valentine. See what happens to an ordinary kid on the yuckiest, most lovey-dovey day of the year... Valentine's Day! Cheesy cards, smelly flowers, and heart-shaped everything? It's enough to turn any kid into a Valentine monster! Yuck!!! Until... Crankenstein meets someone just like … [Read more...]
Valentine Science: Secret Messages
Yesterday, I started sharing some of my favorite holiday science ideas for Valentine's Day. If you missed the first one, you can see it HERE. Today's investigation is simple and fun, especially if your students have never done a crayon-resist project. The children love it because they get to send sweet secret messages to their friends and, even better, they get to use paint to reveal the hidden … [Read more...]