FUN IDEAS FOR CLASSROOM REWARDS I'm writing this in mid April... you know, that time of year when the behavior plan you've had in place all year long suddenly seems to be cracking. No worries. It's probably just time for spring break. A little time away is good for everyone. And when the little muffins return, everything will be back to normal. Right? Probably. I mean, sure. I've gone … [Read more...]
How to Teach Writing in First Grade
I think a lot about how to teach writing in first grade. When I was a beginning teacher, I would read through the writing standards and wonder if they were even reachable for kids who were only six ... kids who pretty much just learned how to use letters to write their own names ... kids who were still drawing pictures to communicate most of their ideas ... kids who would rather hear a story than … [Read more...]
Goal Setting with Kids: 7 Tips for Teachers
The beginning of the school year is a great time to plan for goal setting with kids. Even though the routine of setting goals and reflecting on progress continues throughout the year, raising a group of goal getters begins on day one. (Or at least week one.) This is the time to establish a sense of wonder, nurture a curiosity for what-ifs, and teach what it means to have a growth mindset. Kids … [Read more...]
Outdoor Classrooms: My Summer PD Playlist
Outdoor classrooms and open-air schooling aren't new ideas, just forgotten. But the Covid-19 pandemic reignited the fire as teachers and parents got creative about redesigning safe learning spaces for kids. In some ways, history is repeating itself. At the beginning of the 20th century, the rising number of TB cases combined with the 1918 flu pandemic sent everyone in search of fresh air. It was … [Read more...]
Teacher Podcasts: A Summer PD Playlist
I love teacher podcasts. I don't always have to time to sit and read, but I do spend a lot of time walking and driving, and podcasts are the perfect company for those times. I've been keeping notes about my favorite episodes from this year, so I put together a summer playlist for teachers. I know ... It's only May. We're still in school. We're tired. And we certainly are not thinking about … [Read more...]