"I promise to do what I promised to do." Not much is more important than being trustworthy. People need to know they can count on you and it's never too early to teach this to kids. In our school, we live by the Lifelong Guidelines, so our kids learn to understand important concepts throughout the year like: • personal best • truthfulness • active listening • trustworthiness • no … [Read more...]
First Week Favorites … SAY WHAT?
This is another one of my favorite first-week lessons as we begin to establish our classroom community. I begin by reading a picture book about listening. I'm sure there are some really high-quality titles out there, but this book belonged to my daughter and every kid I've ever had loves it because of the familiar characters. (Plus, I can do a pretty good Tigger voice... it sells it every time.) … [Read more...]
First Week Favorites … BEING KIND
You've probably seen a lesson like this before... it's one of my favorites and the kids always get a kick out of the lesson they learn at the end of the activity. All you need per team are: • a tube of toothpaste • a paper plate • a plastic spoon {Don't forget your camera... their faces are hysterical.} My kids sit in teams of four (Kagan Cooperative Teams). I gave "Person #1" … [Read more...]