Flip books are popular. I’ve made flip books about activists, presidents, mothers, even groundhogs. (Speaking of which, I’m so ready for spring.) I’ve also seen flip books for specific book titles, but sometimes you need a template for a different book. And that’s when it happened… an idea for blank flip books… templates I could use with any book… fiction or nonfiction… and open-ended so the work is differentiated.

The flip book templates are standards-based and provide multiple opportunities for children to:
• read closely and think deeply about text
• comprehend complex ideas and brainstorm new ones
• develop written responses
• share their opinions with clarity and support
• express some of their thoughts through art
You can even mix-and-match the templates as long as you switch pages of the same length. (Otherwise you’ll be covering up one of the flaps.)
Fiction Samples


I love how the children can express themselves individually through these templates. They’re great for reading workshop, small group instruction, informal assessments, or even as homework activities. You can see more about the templates here.

I’d love to send a free set to the first five who leave a comment below. Don’t forget to leave me your email address so I know where to send the file.
Happy teaching!
Love these flipbooks and would love to use them for reader's workshop! I love how they can be used with so many different books. Email: alisonmmock@gmail.com
I would love these Flipbooks!!
I would love a copy of these for my reading groups! I appreciate how they can be used with so many texts. I emailed you my address. Thank you!
These look amazing! I would love using them for my reading groups, the kids would be so engaged!. Stancilk@gmail.com
Hi there from New Zealand! I have just found this, and I know my children would LOVE to use these in their Literacy Centre learning! Nga mihi, Lisa…
These flip books look amazing! I would love a copy of these if it isn't too late! I will be teaching my sweet third graders about problem/solution next week 🙂 My email is naribble1s@gmail.com
LOVE THESE!! Please share =) TiffanyMarks1@gmail.com
These are so great and I am excited to try them out with my first grade love bugs!