(Make Ten / Free in App Store)
This is one of those games I play on my phone when I’m waiting in a doctor’s office or find myself needlessly and unfortunately wide awake at 3:30 AM.
My son and I are in a not-so-secret competition for high score, but I’ll never catch up because he plays it when he gets bored at school (which is a whole other topic of concern).
In any event … I was playing last night when I realized what this game offers for kids. In order to get a good score, you need:
• an understanding of various sums of ten
• spatial dexterity (the vision to rotate pairs of numbers to make sums of ten)
And once you get the hang of it, you’ll see opportunities to create multiple sums of ten in one move … which, of course, gets you extra points … although that still doesn’t give me enough to catch up to my son. #MathNerd
👍 Thumbs up for this game.
Happy teaching!