NETFLIX has brought another one of my favorite children’s books to life … and it’s perfect for your October lesson plans. (Rated G / 25 minutes)

Read the story by Julia Donaldson, watch the show, and then incorporate literacy standards by discussing:
• problem / solution
• cause / effect
• character traits / relationships
• setting
• mood
• theme, plot, or main idea
• beginning, middle, end (retelling)
Any of these could also be turned into journal prompts if you’d rather have your students respond in writing. They can also illustrate their favorite part, draw a character map, or explain their opinion about a given part of your choice.
Keep going … is there a moral to this story? Did you like the ending? Would you have written it differently? What part made you laugh? What part surprised you? Etc.

You can find it on Netflix by searching the title, Room on the Broom.
Happy teaching!