Who was George Washington Carver and why is he still remembered today? If you’re a serious gardener, you may already know quite a few details about his life’s work.
If you’re a first or second grader, though, you probably don’t.
We love poring over all the books in our library. If we can’t find what we’re looking for there, then you’ll surely find us in our local bookstores.
When we were looking for books about George Washington Carver, we found the usual suspects from publishers like National Geographic and Scholastic. (Not complaining… these are good books.) But then we found a great picture book,👆In the Garden with Dr. Carver by Susan Grigsby. Because it’s historical fiction, it reads like a story which is very appealing for many of our students.
If you don’t already have it, it’s worth looking for… two thumbs up from us.
When you’re ready for instructional resources students can work with, take a look at these. They provide reading material and comprehension prompts to deepen their knowledge of George Washington Carver and the important work he did.
It’s just right for first and second grade readers and fits well with lessons during Black History Month. However, if you teach in a location that doesn’t observe Black History Month, the set also works with a study of biographies and/or plants during your science block.
Preview it here to see if it’s right for you and your students. And don’t forget to look for In the Garden with Dr. Carver… we think you’ll really like it.
Happy teaching!
Bookmark this post to read later. It includes a lot more resources for 1st and 2nd graders, introducing them to several influential people like Harriet Tubman, Ruby Bridges (a first grade favorite), and Rosa Parks.